Since last July, I had taken a sabbatical from WHITE KNUCKLES, to devote my time to a client.
Today I completed the last phase of my project, yet still have a few more final touches.
Since the main focus of this project centered on water, the addition of the fish today, allows me to claim my mission is done.
I also take this opportunity, to wish you all a Happy New Year, including the best of health, & peace to all.
The fish pictured here, were in Hawaii yesterday noon.
They were on a plane till late last night, picked up at the airport by midnight, & in their new home at noon today.
My client, called late this afternoon, & I could tell by her excitement she was thrilled to see these beauties in her paradise.
I will follow this new year blog restart, with pix from the project in the following days.
The header sunset is part of a series of merged images, & there are more behind the curtain link.
On Planet Earth, my granddaughter eyes the LA skyline from here on Point Dume.
The snow capped mountain in the background is close to a hundred miles away.
As this was taken on the isthmus to the point, directly behind me is a grand view of the ocean & channel islands where the sunset shots are taken, although my place is a little too low to see the downtown view. I`m up on the next street for the city shot.
I better quit this before I lose track of how I post this.
Till tomorrow then.