dada, That`s exactly what I had in mind when I titled this post. Thanks for the link. It works perfectly in conjunction with the markings on the discus.
Ms NDD, Yes, & the natives are restless tonight. You can hear the drums, beating to the tempo of flickering flames. The shriek of a Howler pierces the dark. Nice image Ms.
Yep, does look quite a lot like d's warrior! Or vice versa.
I think this discus has been to the starfish's tatoo shop. Mr Starifsh uses a recycled stingray stinger, and the ink he gets from his friend, the octopus.
NDD, Doesn`t he ride a HOGfish, also?
KH: Among the many, many photos you've sent me over the past few years, the ones of the discus have got to be among my top favorites. What a beauty! I like the HOGfish too. I'm sure I've seen him once or twice, a while back, lurking in the streets of Montréal.
Hey Evangeline. I`m glad you like the discus. They definitely are beautiful. As for the HOGfish, they`re sometimes called Pigfish if they`re riding motos.
Head: As you know, I don't really, really, think Andie needs retirement to “let loose”. Now as to her being “loose” for years, I rather think that she'll continue to be “on the loose” for a while yet. One thing I'm sure of: all hell will break loose before she ever finds herself at a loose end. Don't you think?
Falling water stopped in flight, then slowly flutters to alight. In doing so, it paints our place, our planet, seen in white, from space Slowly changes in seasons slow To browns then greens and flowered glow This strange liquid, a natural show, Is jeweled starlight we call snow
Damn, it must take a really long time to put all the make-up on.
(Gorgeous fish)
I think they use stencils.
Looks like someone got a brain corral tattoo. Amazing colors!
Hey Manny,
That`s a good one.
It does look like a Maze Brain coral.
tribal indeed, like a maori warrior
very nice
I love the affect of the entire setting! Looks like little campfires off in the night..reflecting on the water..being watched.
That`s exactly what I had in mind when I titled this post.
Thanks for the link. It works perfectly in conjunction with the markings on the discus.
Yes, & the natives are restless tonight. You can hear the drums, beating to the tempo of flickering flames.
The shriek of a Howler pierces the dark.
Nice image Ms.
Yep, does look quite a lot like d's warrior! Or vice versa.
I think this discus has been to the starfish's tatoo shop. Mr Starifsh uses a recycled stingray stinger, and the ink he gets from his friend, the octopus.
Doesn`t he ride a HOGfish, also?
Looks like you surprised him during his tribal ceremony.
Hope you have a good w/e Head.
KH: Among the many, many photos you've sent me over the past few years, the ones of the discus have got to be among my top favorites. What a beauty! I like the HOGfish too. I'm sure I've seen him once or twice, a while back, lurking in the streets of Montréal.
Nice w/e to you all.
Hey Evangeline.
I`m glad you like the discus. They definitely are beautiful.
As for the HOGfish, they`re sometimes called Pigfish if they`re riding motos.
That`s why I`m quietly stepping back & into the undergrowth.
Vive La Liberte!
It's D Day, Tony.
It's all over now; so now we begin.
Bravo, Andie, you made it! A loonnng and happy retirement to you! Now you can really let loose!...
Congrats on your freedom.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
I just heard from Landsailor. In Texas, & heading to Yuma.
What do you mean, "now".
She`s been 'loose' for years.
Sending félicitations as well Andie ... :)
Happy w/e to you all.
Head: As you know, I don't really, really, think Andie needs retirement to “let loose”. Now as to her being “loose” for years, I rather think that she'll continue to be “on the loose” for a while yet. One thing I'm sure of: all hell will break loose before she ever finds herself at a loose end. Don't you think?
You almost loosed me there, for a minute.
But yes, I concur.
You make me wish I was in Malibu with you and Teri. Hey, I'm working on it!
Sleep tight, KH.
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