As you may have realized a while ago, I`m prone to make up images. Some of them are obvious fantasies, while others are very believable. Still, some that look fantastic, are very real. What do you think of this one. Please decide before you click on it to see more. This image is waving you into the beyond to discover more. The header is part of a hike in the hills of Malibu. If you like wildflowers, I suggest you take a hike up there.
On Planet Earth, we have more hedges with edges.
I`m going to get some sleep after a long but beautiful spring day. May you all have good times ahead.
Ooh, ooh I love SPOTLIGHT 2 DSCN7342. Also, DSCN7340.
I got those because you gave me the eye for that theme of image.
I was thinking of something that I have to experiment on. It involves that "edge" look.
So all these lovely photos are a gift I gave to myself. ;)
My current photographic obsession, which not coincidentally works well for this year, is patterns in the creeks:
Hi Head ...
A ha ... so there's the pink object from which new life was born ... ;)
Wow, Andif,
Yes, in effect, they are from the school of "what ye reap, so shall ye sow"
That`s an amazing collection of water pattern images.
The first one with the branches in the reflection is great, especially with the blue sky & sun reflected.
Yes, that`s Newton (gravity finder).
There were seven or eight of these Newts swimming around. This one is getting "betta".
I scooped this one up, for fear one of the dogs would crush it splashing around in the pool at the base of the falls.
I noticed some egg clusters in the bottom of one pool & a few of the newts seemed fat with more eggs.
These animals are a good indicator of the health of this particular watershed.
Here in Malibu, we take pride in trying to preserve the wildlife as best we can.
Young Adam, our lizard & reptile friend (about 10 years old) waded in to the cold water to retrieve a piece of old corroding metal, to remove it from the newt`s habitat. He did this unbidden. It was just natural to him. Good boy.
Andif, I forgot to ask, if you`d seen any newts while traipsing in the waterways.
"I was a newt, once."
Salamanders and skinks, yes. Newts no (at least none that I've seen). So is no newts good newts?
Late breaking news: an internet search suggests that the newts are found only in northern Indiana.
Andif, Newts are only found anywhere, if you look for them.
In this case,you found where they lived in your state, by looking for them.
Good search!
It is a Brave Newt World.
I did a little search myself, & found that contemporaries to Monty, found them very newtritious.
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