First, I believe some one has the opportunity to leave others green with envy.
The image in the header is a mystery image. I promise it is not manipulated, to change it, regarding color, shape, original form, number of "portholes" etc etc.
If anyone can guess what it is, I will send them a large format print of their choice, from the series this image is from, which I will post tomorrow. Good luck & stay green.
I`ve been a little slow to post lately, but I believe it`s because I caught something from tonight`s post subject.
I feel like crawling into my shell, & if I do, I`ll keep an eye out.
Don`t run with shears & be careful out there....please.
A clue: The header object is familiar. Everyone has seen one growing up. It`s an "ugly duckling", but does not quack.
It has feet, but does not paddle. It can see where it goes, butt not where it`s from, even though it constantly "looks" back.
It's too early for guessing games. I'll have to wait to I'm fully awake for that. But love that snail, especially DSCN1306 (love those edges) and DSCN1295 (Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up)
Morning Head, morning Andi!
Head -- is it some form of caterpillar?
Love - LOVE! - the snail pic. :D
Sorry you're not feeling well ... sending well-wishes that you feel better asap!
Btw, love DSCN1292! LOL ...
And also how you can see the snail's internals in GOING SLOW, BUT GOING GREEN DSCN1309 ... :D
Hey Tony,
Tomato worm?
Thanks Andif,
Didn`t mean to wake you.
You want "close-ups"?
I got some close-ups for you.
See you in the morning.
Some form of caterpillar? What form are you talking about?
Some people call it by a different name, but it sure looks like what a caterpillar should look like.
We`ll have to let the judge decide.
Olivia, you`re really hot.
I was waiting to use that line.
I caught the slowness from the snail, (get it, the snail... slow... ). I`m kidding you.
That was the fast one that scooted right by, dada.
You got it Dave. My friend gave us a large tomato plant in a pot, & there`s dozens of tomatoes on it. We`ve been eating them, but upon further review, we noticed some else was enjoying them also.
How are you liking the tropical pacific. I saw your fish catch the other day. Impressive.
Check back tonight (for you, check back yesterday, I guess) to see the worm up close & personal.
Hey Tony,
I remember when I was young I had to go through my mom's garden & other friend's gardens and pick them fat ugly critters with the thorn on their ass off of the tomato plants. Sometimes they'd get on the pepper plants too. I'd throw 'em in a coffee can which had about a quarter inch of gasoline in the bottom. It appeared as if they kicked the bucket as soon as they hit the bottom of the can, but to be sure, the can was lit after we gathered all we could find. Man them things are ugly, and what a mess they make if ya squash one on the sidewalk. Anyways, the tropical pacific is as beautiful as usual, and I'm going out fishing again this sunday. I'll send ya more info & pics via e-mail. I'll talk with ya soon...
BTW, Did I win anything? He he.
Well Dave,
Nice of you to share that wonderful childhood experience. (cough).
If you read the post again, you`ll see what you won.
Now you just have to choose which image you`d like a print of.
If you go to tonight`s post, you`ll see your choices.
(Tomorrows post for you)
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