In the 'theater of the absurd' one can never expect rational progression.
To contact my staff, regarding personal appearances, please contact my peeps in the header.
You may end up in a worm hole, but persistence will bring you full circle to Pink Spotted Blennies & Red Ball Gowns,
Blue Glass Lilies, & Polka Dotted Fish-heads.
As absurdity`s design leads invariably to confusion, I must defer to forgetfulness as an excuse for lack of continuity.
Links to the usual areas are active.
Please be sure to view the Percula Clown in the Green Torch Coral.
That was a varied bunch of pictures. BALL GOWN DSCN3776 was my fav, even more than the blenny (shocking, I know).
No wildflowers here yet to pop my eyes open but I did see quite a few toothwort just popping up yesterday so there's a promise of some.
You might think of adding a foot or two to that dike.
Just from the reports here.
I`m trying to follow as much as possible, from far away.
Please keep me posted.
The 'we' by the dike is my workplace, & this eve I learned that the lowest areas were raised to 43 ft. The facility is being closed now, except for the police & engineers & someone to man the phones.
Our own place is protected by the Sheyenne Diversion drainage ditch. We are only a few blocks from the Sheyenne, but the diversion has been working beautifully. Wish such a plan could be set up for the Red, but that is not the case.
Thanks for the update.
It sounds like it might be a little dicey for some people.
I also seem to feel that everyone is on the ball this time.
The Percula Clown looks sweetly snuggled in with the coral. :)
Yes, the Percula & the False Percula or Ocellaris, (two completely different species) share that coral head, a Green Torch Coral.
Even though clown fish are usually associated with an anemone, it is not necessarily so.
This particular coral, an old clone from one I had for years, is doing just great, benefiting from the clowns keeping the house clean.
It is all a single machine really. That`s what is so amazing about a reef.
I understand everyone is breathing a little sigh of relief at the seemingly stopped water levels.
Yes! Just need the weather to be mellow & all to hold at code yellow...
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