This is from my lone Gladiola.
On Planet Earth, my second "Special Bloom, graced by the presence of a Balinese beauty, a gift from a friend.
In the header, a collection of facial expressions, performed by a Sycamore thespian,
taking method acting lessons from yours truly.
I captured some more conflict action between two, clawed specimens, in the reef.
Neither of which was a feline.
I shall show you how it was resolved tomorrow.
Have a nice day, & Please, keep smiling.
Beautiful flower. And I guess I'm a purist because I much preferred the pictures with out the extra beauty, especially DSCN4503.
Good evening Andi,
You may mean 4533 then, or am I just confused.
Here`s a link for you, also.
No that's the right number -- I liked the flowers better on their own -- no statue.
Thanks for the link. There are some really fine shots there (especially the one with boardwalk).
Those are some lovely pictures of the Gladiola. I will probably always think of them as "Glad I All Over"s (as you previously called them). :)
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