Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Bligh, Guest Blogger,
Here`s another capture by Bligh.
You know where to look for more images on this voyage.
Enjoy, & have a great day.


AndiF said...

Great capture and a really nice shot (though I'm a bit shocked at the sparseness of the snow on the valley floor). I like the framing and the sharpness of the green against the dark pines and snow.

DSCN3431 put a big smile on my face -- if only they could have got that shot along side one of those signs that say "These animals are wild. Please don't feed them". Jim and I are particularly amused by those signs at the Grand Canyon where the Abert's squirrels will mug you for your lunch.

Knucklehead said...

I also thought there would be much more snow.
I was a little disappointed in seeing the "wild" animals, so tame.
It`s like they were trained, to keep visitors coming.