This is the kind of fire that keeps those who live here, warm.
Have a nice day & enjoy your respective families.
Bite your tongue, if you must, & realize, it`s not always about you.
All wounds, over time will heal & it`s nice to be remembered for the things that you do
rather than be remembered for the scars.
Open up a little bit, to that person you don`t quite remember why you don`t particularily like.
See, I told you it wasn`t important. Think of what it might mean to them, after wondering all these years.
This is really a reminder to myself. If it may prove useful to you, read it again to make sure I wasn`t putting a guilt trip on anyone.
Now I`m off & away!!
Up Homey, & Honey & Nicki & Bill
Come on & pull harder to get over the hill.
Up, up, Milo, one eyed cat from Berdoo,
Up Up my white winged one, like good Coconuts do.
That fire warms the cockles of my heart. :)
A fine day that is all you hope and want it to be to all.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Great picture Head!
Head I hope you and your family have a wonderful day today.
Hi Head, Andi, FM.
Hope you're all having a wonderful day.
Thanks Andif
So far so good.
Perfect day for our drive up the coast right next to the ocean.
Malibu Fire is magnificent, as are the shots in the Winter Garden Set.
Best Wishes to everyone here, for the upcoming year, 2008!
Thanks, I saw the Sycamore leaves on the tree, from my observation post, & liked the way they were lit up by the setting sun.
BTW, Now, I`ll always know what the date is.
Seriously beautiful!
Nancy p,
Sometimes I have to leave the levity aside & post a little artwork.
Glad you like it.
Thank you.
beautiful art work, indeed. Sometimes you see something that you just know you have to photograph. Beautiful!
You called it exactly the way it happened.
You didn`t mention my almost falling off the roof though.
Thanks Puget, & Happy Solistice
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