It`s ladies night again, so today this post will be to celebrate one of Teri`s little friends.
This is what Teri is about.
This is Iris, in an image I don`t think anybody has seen previously.
This is one I took when she lived in the house with the rest of the flock. She was a freeflyer so we had to be careful to not let her escape until she was ready for the big outdoors.
At this time, Iris had just begun to fly & it was imperative that she have the best of nutrients for her future wellbeing. That`s why I lived for a few weeks in a funeral parlor.
Actually, the new potted flowering plants that Teri brought in on a daily basis from the local plant shop down the road, made it seem like a funeral parlor. Nothing but the best for this little angel.
As you can see from linking to the header image, Iris was a tiny little thing but with the heart a million times bigger.
You can see her doing practice flights off of my hand. She has the daintyest landing gear I`ve ever seen, except maybe on a little shrimp I once had. (With ketchup)
There`s a little cold weather finch beyond the main post, & a series of ,"Hey, check these out honey" shots, from my tanks.
Stay safe & warm, please.
From the reports I hear, many of you have severe weather conditions to contend with. Don`t take chances that may put you or yours in harms way.
Hummingbirds are so fascinating. There are some that sometimes will hang out by the window behind my computer -- and then it's impossible to do anything but sit and watch them.
The good thing about working at home is that I don't have to go out in the bad weather; the bad thing is that I never get a day off because I'm snowed in.
If you hang a few feeders outside that window, you`ll have more time off, as you sit & watch them, which is, as you say, impossible not to do.
Yeah, that's probably why the feeder we do have isn't hung where I can stare at it -- although we're very bad at keeping it filled so it's not a big distraction, anyway.
What a beauty!
You've got to have a steady hand yourself to take pix w/ one hand of a hummingbird ... :)
Teri, I love the thought of you filling the house w/ all the flowers!
wow! lil Iris is a real cutie. If her feet were any smaller they'd be non-existent.
We get hummingbirds here in the summer. They used to really like the 4'oclocks, but it's been a few decadences since they've been grown here, maybe next year.
I discover that if I stood still they will come quite close, as if I'n not there at all. But any movement on my part and zip, they seem to move to the next spot like what's reported of the UFOs, almost instantaneously.
The colour was really brillian on the "golden" shot.
Andif, I know you`re up & about early, but if you add that little chore to your daily regimen, ( filling just one feeder), the rewards will be a hundred fold.
Everytime you`re frustrated or impatient or you lost what you were working on, one of those little distractors, will be there, to show you the insignificance of the problem.
But you already know that.
Olivia, Actually,
I trained her to extend her "hang time" so I could shoot her.
Teri says thanks for appreciating the attention to detail these mini angels require.
Yes, it is strange that a horned bill goose doesn`t fly right up to you, yet these little ones do it all the time.
Working in the building trade, I used to work on scaffolding frequently, & hummingbirds would invariably scoot right to my face & startle me. It`s not that I smelled like a rose, but that they were attracted to my colorful bandanas I wore.
Yes, it is strange that a horned bill goose doesn`t fly right up to you, yet these little ones do it all the time.
Working in the building trade, I used to work on scaffolding frequently, & hummingbirds would invariably scoot right to my face & startle me. It`s not that I smelled like a rose, but that they were attracted to my colorful bandanas I wore.
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