I call these Pink Ladies of Malibu, although I believe someone told me their real name.
So I`ll stick with my AKA.
These blooms are found in the hills here, & in overgrown areas of untended gardens.
Maybe I like them because they seem to have an independant streak.
They seem to, all of a sudden, present themselves, as if they know that even without an invitation, they would never be turned away.
These were shot last summer I think. It`s been raining here for a couple of days, & revisiting these blosoms is a preview of what this welcome rain will bring.
The black hills will soon be an emerald green also. The cycle of nature here, although over time is a regular one, the individual chords of it are often seemingly catastrophic. Those times are fast forgotten, when the hills are born again in wildflower pastels.
I hid a sig on some of the linked images while leaving a few images with a discernable one. See if you can find the hidden ones.
Have a nice day.
Oh, wave at someone. They`ll wave back if you have the proper smile on.
Um, so you and Olivia are twins separated at birth? Or part of some great Jungian overworld?
The soft pastel makes a lovely contrast to her dramatic red.
Sometimes, it seems that the separation operation doesn`t take.
Well, you know how she usually makes an entrance,
always the 'Head' turner, she is.
very nice…and a clever use of the 'imbed'
LOL Head.
This is beautiful. Definitely no invitation required.
Like d said, I like what you did w/ the signature.
As NDD emailed me earlier, he contends that not having the "circled 'C'" & the date following the sig, negates the legal protection. It is just as easy to add those two components to the imbed that I paste to an image, as not.
I believe that cutting notches in reindeers ears is enough proof of ownership for me, so let someone prove they imbedded my sig in "their" image.
There is already so much info imbedded in an image that the most clever thief would only have to worry about the legal cost to the rightful owner being able to take it that far. That`s besides the punch to the face.
The way I have it set up, it`s easy to do & can be modified to the image, in a sec.
Once I have the format to paste, the way I want it, & it becomes routine & not a hassle, I`ll proceed to use it in all images. The funny thing about it, is that, as Olivia says, why not make it a little harder to abscond with, while at the same time, it does look more like it`s protected legally,(not that, that would stop illegal acts).
The way it`s imbedded, if noticed, would possibly stop a "cropper", while, if not, leaves a thief, red handed. WHACK!
Quite funny, yes.
Hi KH. I love your photos. You bring beauty to the ether. I love your heart. You bring beauty to life.
Thanks very much, but I always consider myself as the messenger.
As one should not be killed for bearing bad tidings, so should he not reap the rewards of good ones.
I`m almost blushing, those are superlative compliments, Puget4.
Again, I hope I give life to beauty through images.
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