I did a little homework tonight, a study in light & motion.
I`ve been working quite a bit lately on some projects that are physically demanding, so I`m going to have to simply wish you a nice sunny day tomorrow. Even if it`s snowing or pouring rain, remember that wishes are meant to lift the spirit. I`m off for some much needed sleep. On Planet Earth, a little thought for us all to remember that there are some in this world that need the warmth of just knowing that some one cares.
The other images are only excercises in ice, transparency, light & how to shoot things that seem to not be present, but look like they`re moving.
Good night.
That's a fascinating effect.
It was snowing and now it's raining so do I can get some extra wishes to combat the combination? ;)
Wonderful picture Head. Your homework has really paid off.
Restful wishes to you, head. Sounds like you've earned it. When you work on a 'project,' you go all out, so take it easy today.
There's an entire philosophy contained in that single photo, head. A person could meditate on it, as on a koan. Nice work. Sweet dreams.
Have yourself a wish cocktail.
Just make sure to pour it over some frosty blossoms for some extra oomph to make it come true.
How are you doing bud?
Homework is a mind expander. Rather than do something because I have to, I create little situations that I figure ways to work on, using different approaches & usually arriving at multiple methods & hopefully presentable ones. The main thing is that I learn something, regardless the result. Sometimes I learn not to do it a certain way.
Beth, Thanks for that kind of wish.
Pretty soon, I`ll be able to share the results of the project I`m working on.
Nancy p,
Since you brought it up, "Koa sap dripped on the fungal forest ."
And once again I learn something! Didn't even know there was such a thing as a Koa tree. Much less that it might drip on a fungal forest. :)
Nancy p,
That answer was regarding the koan, you mentioned.
I`ve been watching fungus grow on some large Koa slabs I`m working with. The fungus is growing on the surface of the wood as it dries out. As it`s growing it has been branching out like a tree in winter . Only limbs & branches. They are growing in a line such as one would see on a fenceline or on a ridge.
Today I noticed that sap had oozed out of a slab, above one with the "fungal trees" & created little 'apple' globules in the branches.
It`s a long way to tip a Rary.
Yesterday you said it's magic ... this is magical. I'm in awe of your creativity and your knowledge in putting these images together.
Always tip a Rary well.
Sometimes the magic is in a christmas stocking.
Nancy P,
After traveling for months on three continents, in search of the elusive three legged "Rary", Jack, finally took the advantage of being upwind, as he cautiously
approached the dangerous beast.
Sneaking up to within a few yards of the nearsighted mamoth Rary, Jack used a crooked branch to hook one of the triped`s legs & yanked. Losing it`s balance the Rary tipped over into the chasm to it`s death.
Upon hearing of his daring feat, a reporter mentioned that it was a long way to tip a Rary, but that Jack, did tip a Rary well.
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