This shot is from my new viewing spot at my house.
I had mentioned previously that the horizon was just below the tree line, in past shots.
Now, I have an elevated platform from which I can see the ocean`s horizon.
I`m thrilled with the new view. I hope you are also.
Connected to this, there are a few more & a couple that I modified for your viewing pleasure. One is a cove I made from the same sunset & the other is the eyes in the skies.
Have a bright sunny day & keep your skates sharp.
There is also a little blue eyed Blenny, observing also.
Wow! That's just spectacular!
No text yet? Ya must be takin' another cookie break, eh?
I don`t know why I didn`t set up the new viewing spot before.
The text was there but it was the same color as the background. I thought it was the cookies for a minute also.
Do you see the linked images?
so, did ya build a tree fort, or are ya up on that last rung of the extension ladder?
If I stay on the front page long enough all of the linked stuff eventually shows up.
The one in the upper right corner takes the longest to load, but I can't expect any better really from 31.2K (or less) for an internet speed.
Oh, and on the great Catsky, somehow looking at that one I just have this image of Jimmy Buffet coming in for a landing.
Can`t you just click on the post image?
Actually I have the whole roof I access by ladder, but I can also use the ladder to get up much higher(discounting cookies) in the big Sycamore.
The one in the upper corner is a feed from flickr, & I don`t ever know whats in it.
I will set it up so that I can choose what I want to show in it though.
yep, clicking on the post image works fine, it gets me to flickr and then I click on the set photos one by one, as the slide shows refuse to load at this speed. I still get to look at each one...just takes a little longer than when I'm in the city.
(time for me to hit the hay, so a good evening to you KH, and a good morning to AndiF et al!)
Good Morning to you, NDD. And hi Head.
Those are gorgeous shots and the cat sky is really clever but I'm jealous over your ability to get those views. I'd have to build my platform horizontally for about 15 miles so it would go to the next country where it's flat enough to have a horizon shot.
Certain photos just demand gin and tonics. Or would that be gins and tonic?
I really like your addition of the slide show to the front page.
I deduce from your statement that there are a number of countries within 15 miles but luckily one of them is flat enough to bless you with a horizon.
Two questions:
Where on earth do you live?
Why wouldn`t you build access to the horizon vertically? It would be a lot cheaper since you wouldn`t have to go 15 miles vertically to see the horizon. (Pythagoras)
Just saying.
Good morning, Andif
Nancy P,
As long as either one is imbibed with a grin, or would that be grins.
I`m pleased to read the modifying adverb, in your last sentence,... really.
oops "county"
My thinking was that if I built up high enough to see the horizon, I wouldn't be able to breathe so better to stay low and go horizontal.
I now know why they say the view will take your breath away. They`re too high.
I'm glad you found your viewing spot.
That is crazy beautiful. The colour is so intense.
And where can I get some of these cookies you and ND keep about ... I love cookies ... ;P
Got Milk?
Uh huh.
I`ve got the Tobler elves on the other line.
Check your email.
You know how I love sunsets, 'head. This one is particularly spectacular. Enjoy your view, however you get up there.
Am I to understand that this is now international.
Actually, I`m planning on getting higher next week, if I get your drift. The tree, next to the house will allow for a possible whale watching platform.
They start the return trip from Mexico with their calves in Feb..
I see them every year.
Felice Navidad, amiga
International, indeed. Hola and buenos dias from Melaque. I've seen two whales, and they were in Cape Town. Hope to see them out and about one of these days. I envy the world that passes by your door.
Feliz navidad to you, too, mi amigo.
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