This is one of my easier to view 3D images. Just cross your eyes over the image & a 3D one will appear in the center. It may be easier to view it if you click on it for a larger version. On Planet Earth, you`ll see what the cat looks like when viewing the 3D pix.
In the header, last night`s sunset with a larger version beyond.
Have a great day, & do enjoy the snow you have. I don`t have any. Bwaaahaha
Hi Head.
Took me a little while to get my eyes uncrossed from that. On Planet Earth the first thing I thought and it's an old saying is, "My what big eyes you have." I know - not too much imagination there.
I especially liked DSCN4812 the sunset shot. It seems to me that your shots that have a partially black background always turn out so good.
I LOVE stuff like this. Thanks for the fun.
The cat one? It gives me the really funny feeling of having been "brought together" by a cat, so that I'm the 3D object. If he looks away, I'll fly apart.
Hi FM,
I never know how hard it is/how easy it is, for people to see the 3D effect.
The cat is to show what we must look like, trying to see that effect. It`s a compilation of two images I made to get that look.
I have a hard time looking at it, personally.
The sunset with the black foreground branches is easier to take than with no branches. I`d have to move 20 feet further towards the sunset & have the tree branches behind me.
Just slacking I guess, but I`m glad you like them. I think they add to the image.
Nancy p,
Glad you liked the interactive image.
I have many that I made, but I`m afraid of having people sue me for making them permanently cross-eyed, like in the movie,"The Jerk".
Nancy p,
Now that was an interactive reply. I hadn`t thought of it. I may have to remove it, so I don`t get sued by "flown aparters"
Hi Head.
That sunset shot is gorgeous -- the header doesn't do it justice!
I can't get the 3D thing to work though ... :)
The header is always a teaser, because I can never put the large image in it.
The 3D image viewing manual, has been forwarded to you, through a different channel.
Can't cross my eyes (eye operation when I was 6) -- everybody gets to have fun but me. :(
I can't get it to work either Andi. Even w/ some coaching ... ha!
Nancy, FM ... what's your trick?
Morning Head.
Good Morning Andif.
I`m going to have to get back on your schedule.
I liked it better that way.
Sorry you`re missing out on the "fun".
Have a nice day.
G`morning, Olivia,
I`d like to hear other people`s tricks also.
It might help me explain it better.
I've had lots of practice, O and Af, because a few years ago I bought a couple of books with "3D" photos like that and nearly made myself permanently cross-eyed until I could do it easily. The trick is to unfocus your eyes and lightly--lightly--stare midway between the two figures. Eventually you will be able to "hold" the 3D effect so that you can look all around it, which is cool.
What you may get with this one--I did when I tried it again this morning--is three images, the one in the middle being the most completely 3D.
Great fun with the 3D again. I agree with the nancy p comment above mine. When viewing I get three images, the center being the 3D one. I went to the large image at flickr and had to back my snout off the screen about 36", then it worked.
Actually, FM's and my eyes are rather easily crossed due to consumption of lutefisk stuffed chittlins.
Another nice susnset shot, making me lonesome for an ocean view. Ours having disappeared some 400 million years ago...
Nancy p,
Thanks for the coaching session. Sometimes it`s easier for people to get other`s methods.
At first I read "constipation" from the "lutefisk..... "
The ocean level is right at the lowest point of the treeline. I`m setting up a ladder or steps into the tree so I can shoot the ocean horizon.
You're welcome. Fair exchange for fun! :) One more thing, in case it helps somebody . .
When I said, look "lightly". . .some sources call that "looking with soft eyes."
Nancy p,
That would be me, looking at you, with them.
Awwww. :)
Wonderful 3D image. I love those. I never had any trouble viewing the 3D images and loved the posters and books a few years ago when they were "in".
I didn't know you could make them yourself. I was trying to see what you did, but the only thing I noticed on quick inspection was that the angle of the light seems different...more from the left on the right hand image.
Very cool. Did you say you have more? I'd love to see them.
Good observation.
I`ll put a folder together with as many as I can find & post them very soon. Not only are they fun to view, they also are fun to shoot where not only do you get an image in the end, but a fun conversation piece that you created. And who doesn`t like the mysteries of 3D.
Oh! Now I also see that the figurine on the right is rotated very slightly. Maybe that's what causes the difference in lighting. I'm anxious to see more. Thanks!
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