Monday, April 12, 2010


I did mention previously that the Irises out front by the fountain would open in about a week.
Here you go.
As you may have noticed, I`ve been slacking lately, but I`ve been fooling around with Teri.
For example telling her to stand by a Rolls for a picture, next to one of my old hangouts, "The Brig".
I`ve been working on the legal finishings of her accident case, something she is quite capable of doing herself,
but I think she likes that I`ve been taking care of all of it.
I`ve been through the process before so I know the ins & outs although I`m not a paralegal whereas she is.
I`ll be getting her a new car soon, especially since I don`t like anyone driving my vehicles.
It won`t be an MGTC, though I wouldn`t mind that one bit.
I actually love that model of MG.
I`m going to finally finish up on my little sports car myself in the coming months.
A rare little 2 litre Jensen Healy that you can see on Planet Earth. You may have seen it before in the past years.
I have to put a new exhaust system in it & do the upholstery.


AndiF said...

Not jealous of your flowers any more, Head. We've got our own now -- just little woodland wildflowers (except for the feral daffodils) but still a joy to see, plus the woods have greened up wonderfully early. All of which is good because now I can just plain enjoy all the beauty you have to share.

It might not be a (British racing green) MG TC but your blue baby (almost) as good.

Unknown said...

Tha's a mighty purty iris ya got there. The image will have to hold me in the floral dept for a while, as our tuber irises' bloom time is several weeks down the trail.

MsNDD said...

I didn't know there was a Jensen car. Am curious...what about the plates??

Lovely birdbath photo with the solitary iris bloom. We've been reviving an old iris patch. It seems some of the blossoms disappear when the deer pass through, so we had to add a fence.

Knucklehead said...

I do have a yard full of wildflowers also, although I have no idea what they`re called.
I`m glad your greenery is showing.

Knucklehead said...

Well I`d like to have some of my black iris but I haven`t seen them in years.
I`d like to see what color morphs you get.

Knucklehead said...

I`ll shoot the plates tomorrow.
I just can`t find some of the pix of them in my archives.
They`re personalized plates I`ve had for years.
They also match my email address, although the plates came first.
I guess that`s better than the deer disappearing when they pass the iris.

Anonymous said...

Simple Stunning Mr French Pirate!

Knucklehead said...

Tell me your name so that I could properly thank you for your compliment.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! did you take these photos?

Knucklehead said...

Yes I have to admit I did.
May I ask how you got here?