Monday, November 19, 2007


In the usual places, unusual things.
Sometimes the opposite is true, although I prefer this arrangement.
Nodding off is not the best way to end with best wishes for a sane week ahead, but I`m doing it anyway.
In the header, a setting sun, shot with a broken camera.
On Planet Earth, the mouth of the Green Bubble is larger than the fish.
Somewhere, in the set, a bleached coral. That white coral was a prized coral that I`ve grown for years & have watched over it & cared for it with pride & joy. On some of our reefs in the wilds, miles of coral reefs are bleaching like this. Global warming will make it ever worse.


AndiF said...

How kind of the butterfly to hold so still and let you take such a gorgeous shot.

As for the Planet Earth set -- wowie zowie!

Nancy P said...

It really does look like a fur coat. I hope nobody from PETA is around this morning. ;)

Knucklehead said...

Good morning Andif,
Although it`s a moth, the appreciation of it from you, is not lessened.

Knucklehead said...

Nancy p,
It`s not fur nothing I took the shot at night.
Even though I don`t PET A lot, I wanted to stroke this one.

dada said...

l'm aware of the danger facing the great coral reefs worldwide; but to what do you ascribe the death of your prize coral?

as it seems to me, evident, that you tend to your tanks and their inhabitants with a great deal of care. surely the recent move couldn't have caused it in such a short amount of time...?

the moth is spectacular, and the sunset with a broken camera looks pretty good too.



Knucklehead said...

The bleaching of corals can indeed happen that fast.
Just the stress of a temperature drop in a sudden manner can trigger it. Once it starts there`s almost a 100% fatality rate. These corals are the hardest to keep & I had high hopes I could make the move with minimal loss, but that one would have been the one to go if any. All my other corals are doing fine thankfully. This one I had grown from a very small patch (fingernail size) to the beautiful branching one of just a month ago.
I added a set of images called "PURPLE PLEASURE" to the collection linked to this post.
This is a link to bleaching on coral reefs. Scary

AndiF said...

Head, stupid question of the day (week/month/year) -- how can you tell whether something is a moth or a butterfly?

Knucklehead said...

Andif, I tell by when I see them. Night = moth.
Day = butterfly.
Here are some others.

A butterfly flies by day, and a moth by night. There are some day flying moths and butterflies that fly at dusk.

A butterfly always has a feeding mechanism (proboscis), whereas a moth often does not. These moths simply do not eat as adults as they have done all their eating as larvae.

A butterfly rests with its wings closed and a moth lands with them open. A notable exception is the butterflies of the Hamadryas genus (Nymphaliinae) that always land with their wings laid flat.

A butterfly forms a chrysalis that hangs, and is always produced by a single butterfly and without silk. A moth forms a cocoon, usually on the ground and surrounded by silk.

The antennae of a butterfly are straight and club-like. The antennae of a moth vary greatly but are usually brush like with a great deal more surface area.

Unknown said...

Moth shot is superb!

Bigmouths look like they'd do well in a hollywood horror flick... can't you imagine Harrison Ford getting swallowed by one of them.

(2nd attempt at comment today)

AndiF said...

Thanks, Head, for all the good info.