Today favoring Finn`s visit, the decorating for the holidays started earlier than usual this year.
I`m trying to get things wrapped up on my project site these next two days since we`re expecting three days of rain beginning Sunday evening. With about a dozen people I`ve got working, I believe we`ll be OK, but I still wish I had another week of dry weather.
I added some pix of the mild mannered sunset from this evening over on Planet Earth.
Have a great day
I hope Finn doesn't take me after me because I find that white doll kind of scarily creepy. The wizard a little too. But I like the Xmas tree.
And subtle sunsets have their very real pleasure -- all the shots were lovely but I thought DSCN0683 was particuarly nice in its soft gradations of color.
Today's theme at Friday Foto Floggin is Where Work Is Done. And work is defined as any expending of energy.
Hoping the rain holds off for you, 'head - I'm still wishing it'd come here, but my wishes don't always come true.
Thanks for the sunset, as always - and for gently ushering in the Christmas season!
Those are not the decorations for xmas, but handy subjects to shoot, objects unpacked or moved to get to the real stuff.
I got home from a real long day at the "essence of stillness", which ended with my coming home to a fully installed real tree, fully decorated & lit up.
The fire just mellowing in the fireplace & the yams & pork roast, adding to the smells & aromas of home.
Did I mention the chocolate mousse pie.
Well Beth, your wish for me came true.
It worked out on two fronts; the rain`s approach was slowed by fate, & I endeavored to make it come true by pumping extra hard with a crew of 11.
Made it.
Thank you.
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