As I mentioned I have been on a mission. My mission was to move my complete household compound away from here. Although I had been here for 18 years, it was becoming unsafe to reside here any longer. I had to move all the rescued birds a rescued dog a one-eyed cat, a complete workshop 7 reef tanks hundreds & hundreds of plants cactus palms gardens flowers & whatever one can grow & propagate in that amount of time. I also was setting up another expansion of a cabinet shop about 20 miles from here. Throughout all this I had to empty the house I was moving to of a lifetime of memories left for two years unattended since the owner a dear friend had passed away. We had to pack up her life & get rid of all the foodstuff in the cupboards & refrigerator. I then painted the complete interior & did all neccessary repeairs. The aviary for the birds was completed just today & they are all moved in. Coconut would rather stay on my shoulder though. All my tanks are now moved but one. I`ll complete that one tomorrow & never return to my house again. The Karma I showed you at the yard sale is the karma around here that was making it impossible to stay. On to better things. One of my famous cactus blooms decided to give me a send-off & blossomed again last night. I had tried to make this a seamless move but due to the fire damage to the fiber optic cables in the area, my transfer of service has been delayed till the 9th of Nov.
I will probabl be offline till then ,as of tomorrow. I wish to thank you all for your wonderfull comments & thoughts for me mine & others which you have so wonderfully blessed my heart with. Please remain safe so that you may be all welcome back upon my return. I will miss you all immensely. Goodnight & till a better tomorrow. I will be disconnected as of tomorrow at 6:PM. If you have any questions I shall be glad to try & respond. Farewell till I see you again.
I posted some images that if you only look at onne or two a day, I should be back before you`ve finished. The post image is a brittle star making spectacles of himself.
The post image & some of the others are from my new reef set-ups.
Holy Chihuahua!
All that moving must have been SOME project!
Hmmm? How many of you are there anyway!?!
Great photos as usual, and I'm looking forward to more from the new reefs.
Ah Tony, we will miss you. Good luck with the move being as painless as possible.
Hi there!
I mentioned to LandSailor a few days ago that you were moving and he said: “I wonder how the hell he's going to do that!” He's in Nashville, BTW.
I'm going to miss you till the 9th. I hope all of you will be even happier in your new home.
Warm wishes for settling in your new abode. Will miss you!
LOL Evangeline ... :)
May all creatures find great happiness in the new abode.
Looking at your beautiful photos and reading comments (when able) is a pleasant part of the day. Will look forward to the day you can resume. Best wishes to you & yours as you get relocated!
NDD,ANDIF,Evangeline,Olivia, nancy p, & Ms NDD,
Thank you all & to all others who did so privately dada.
I`m clocking out now. Back Soon.
OOPS, Beth, Your DVD, is not forgotten & I hope the hurricane doesn`t dampen the storm you`re creating down in KEY WEST
Tony, no worries. You have more than enough on your plate! Looking forward to your return - hope the settling in process goes smoothly. And that Karma smiles on you in your new home.
Key West has seen much worse than me - they will survive my visit - I'm a small ripple in a mud puddle. :-)
Did someone utter the Holy Chihuahua Invocation? No wonder my spine was tingly ;)
Thanks for the update, friend, my best wishes to you and all those that depend upon your loving care.
Good luck on the move and I hope shortly everything get back to normal for you and running smoothly.
It's the 9th and I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. Ça va bien?
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